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迈克尔·沃尔夫在其多元化的摄影项目中探索了中国大陆和香港复杂的文化特征。自 1995 年以来,他一直居住在香港。沃尔夫深入探讨了香港建筑形式的形式美和即兴美、国际工业中心常常被忽视的人类存在,以及城市居民在“有机大都市”中塑造周围环境的独特方式等主题。

Architecture of Density #43 (2006)
Size I: 101.5cm x 123cm (40" x 48") Edition of 9 Size II: 122cm x 147.5cm (48" x 58") Edition of 9 Type C-Print

Architecture of Density #12 (2003)
Size I: 101.5cm x 147.3cm (40" x 58") Edition of 9 Type C-Print

Architecture of Density #26 (2003)
Size I: 101.5cm x 132cm (40" x 52") Edition of 9 Type C-Print

Architecture of Density #101
Describe your image.

Architecture of Density #19
Describe your image.

Architecture of Density #119
Describe your image.

Architecture of Density #57
Describe your image.

Architecture of Density #111
Describe your image.

Architecture of Density #91

Architecture of Density #1b

Architecture of Density #75

Architecture of Density #52

Architecture of Density #18

Architecture of Density #16

Architecture of Density #74

Architecture of Density #99

Architecture of Density #46

Architecture of Density #51

Architecture of Density #4

Architecture of Density #28
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